Lynda Woodroffe


MA in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy, MA in (Sci) Education, CBTi (insomnia).

I qualified at the Minster Centre with an MA and Advanced Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy after working for two years at an NHS agency.
Before training as a psychotherapist, I was a researcher at a London University working on educational texts.
Before this I was a secondary school teacher in Brent, teaching science subjects.

I am registered with the UKCP and am fully insured.
My websites are:

I was not born in this country and have travelled extensively. I feel that this has been a very good part of my education and helps in my understanding of my clients.

My practice typifies someone who lives and works in London with clients from many cultures and backgrounds.

I am also qualified to help you if you have problems sleeping.
I can analyse your sleeping style and explain how you can develop better sleeping habits and improve your daytime habits to enhance your sleep experiences. Understanding about sleep hygiene, how and why we sleep are important routes to overcoming sleep disturbances and insomnia. Being unable to sleep is detrimental to your physical as well as your mental health. It will affect your sense of well-being, your efficacy at work, your memory, your bodily functions and your relationships.
Interests: Mountain walking, skiing, dance, the arts, gardening.
Voluntary work: I am on the editorial board of the online journal, Contemporary Psychotherapy, recruiting authors, and reading and editing on articles, getting them ready for publication.
I also offer academic help for students of psychotherapy and proof-read essays.

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